Please remember. . . There will be NO Worship and Miracle Night tonight.  Join us again on December 4th for "Coats & Boots for Kids" benefit concert at 6:00 pm.

Greeters' Schedule 2011

November 13  Rosalyn Rigsby
November 20  Dan & Dee Cullen 
November 27  John & Elizabeth Behon
Please try to be at the door by 9:30 am. 
A signup sheet is on the bulletin board to volunteer to be greeters.  We appreciate your help !  Thank you.

Don't forget. . . To bring in your register receipts from Acme Food Stores.  New Life receives a donation from a percentage of our purchases.  The box is located on the table outside the doors of the sanctuary.  If you have questions, please see Sandy Pohlmeyer.

Want to get involved?  Want to fill a need?

The need always exists for individuals and families to come and take the time to clean.   It takes a few hours and you don't have to agree to do it weekly, just volunteer once, once a month or once every couple of months!  See Tammie Hutchison, Henry or Alice Kirksey for more information.

It's that time of year!  A time for us to share a special blessing with Pastor Kelley and Pastor Allen, who have been a blessing to each of us.  The scripture says we are to give honor to whom it is due.  (1 Timothy 5:17/ Romans 13:7)  Brother Henry Kirksey will be collecting the love offerings from now until Sunday, December 18th.  Make checks out to Henry Kirksey.  Thank you and may the blessings of God consume you!

As a courtesy, would you please pick up any trash around you before leaving at the end of the service.  Thank you!

For Your Information. . .

If we need to cancel a service due to bad weather, we will send an email and will have it  broadcast on WEWS Channel 5 Closing Connection under New Life Ministries.  If you would like to be notified by email, please give your email address to Pastor Allen or Karen. 

When picking up your party at the drive up, please do not leave your car unattended.  If you must leave your car, please pull through and park along the grass to make room for others.

Please take the time to update your directory information.   Update sheets are in the rack by the door. 

Requests for  bulletin announcements must be submitted to Karen Rasnake by the Wednesday before you wish for it to be included. You may call the church office, put it in writing and give it to Karen or email her at 

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We kindly ask you to put your cell phone on mute or vibrate before the service begins.  Thank you!

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Send email to Pastor Allen